TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a group for thought-leaders and movers & shakers, focused on the latest ideas in technology, entertainment and design. Once a year they gather together in California, hosting some of the world's most fascinating people to present, share and learn together.
You may have seen some of the talks on YouTube or elsewhere. Out of popular demand, TED has recently teamed up with BMW and production partner WNYC/New York Public Radio to share some of the most remarkable
TED talks on-line. Every week, a new talk is published on their site.
You can also search through their archives or subscribe to the talks on iTunes as either an audio or video podcast. Perfect for your iPod.
Last week's talk is by Neil Gershenfeld (Director of MIT's celebrated Center for Bits and Atoms).

Neil offers a glimpse at life after the digital revolution by sharing some of the projects created in Fab Labs - low-cost fabrication labs that encourage invention and production on a local level. Gershenfeld explains how his Fab Labs, set up around the world, harness the creative energy of local people, allowing them to build eyeglass frames, toys, computer parts, anything they need ...
There are a ton of great ones though. Malcolm Gladwell's is good (The Tipping Point) and so many others are relevant to innovation. Fascinating and FREE.
1 comment:
Really interesting stuff!
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